Welcome to Off The Press. We're happy you're here.
I got the idea for Off The Press because I missed live music. I’ve been blown away by musician's live shows before, but I’ve also been let down (I’m looking at you Fall Out Boy). My idea is to compare studio albums to their live counterparts, to make people excited for live music again. It’s easy to sit around and write articles about how good or bad an album is; but it’s a lot harder to compare the musicality of a musician’s talent in-studio versus in front of a live crowd.

Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low
on The Back to the Future Hearts Tour; November 2015
Photo by Tara Salvati
If I’ve learned anything from growing up in a household who holds music, especially live music, so dear is that a good musician can make a good album, but only great musicians can play those albums live and make you feel those same emotions. While many of these songs I’ll write about translate almost seamlessly between the studio and a life stage; the nuances and deliberate choices by musicians in their live shows are the things that fascinate me the most. In some cases, it completely transforms a song, or brings new meaning to light. Sometimes it’s just refreshing to hear a song reworked.
Why Me?
I’ve been to over fifty concerts in my life and have seen the good and the bad across all genres. One of my hopes is that Off The Press can help others get excited for live music again. Because of the pandemic, I had gone over two years without seeing live music, and it was one of those things I yearned for the most; yet I was reduced to watching recordings on YouTube. I missed everything live shows had to offer me. The thing about concerts is that they are exciting and fun, but they also allow you to soak in the music that makes you feel something. There’s a community at live concerts that I’ve yet to find anywhere else.

Jared Monaco of The Maine
Sad Summer Festival; August 2021
Photo by Tara Salvati
When I finally got to my first live show in August 2021, the crowd was rough, but electric with life, with missing live music. I hadn’t felt so alive in over two years. I wore the bruises on my arms and shoulders with pride for the following two weeks, even if it hurt to move sometimes. They were marks of a community that sat stagnant for so long.

I’ve met many of my music idols and seen some of them so many times I have a hard time deciphering which show was when. Many of my favorite bands are so accessible I can tweet them today and get a response by tomorrow. As I’m writing this, I’ve already reached out to one of my favorite bands, and they texted me a quote for my article on them. They’ve helped create a community of like-minded people who also love live music, just as their fans do.
Evan Ambrosio of State Champs and I
Sad Summer Festival July 2019

So welcome! Let me know what you think, tell me who you’d like to see me look into next, and if you agree with my assessments.
The Maine and I
Warped Tour 2018